COVID-19 Procedures

  1. All adults in the classroom (teachers and parent volunteers) are recommended to be maximally vaccinated against COVID-19 and flu, and up to date on boosters.

  2. It is recommended that all children be vaccinated for Covid-19 and up to date on all other CDC recommended vaccinations (including Polio). All vaccinations should be noted on their immunization forms submitted at the Fall Orientation Meeting.

  3. All adults and students have the option to wear masks inside to protect each other from COVID and other illnesses. 

    1. Youngset follows current recommended masking policies by the CDC.

    2. A high quality filtration mask will be required for anyone (student or adult) returning from a Covid-19 infection on days 6-10 post-infection per current CDC guidelines. The date of symptoms onset or a positive test is considered day 0. 

  4. Increased ventilation in our classrooms and strict cleaning protocols

    1. Our classrooms will be equipped with air purifiers and teachers will have windows open (as practical due to outside conditions) to increase air flow inside. We will also be increasing outside time as much as possible given outside conditions and weather.

    2. Students, teachers, and parent helpers will wash hands frequently throughout the day, including upon arrival at school and before snack and lunch times. 

    3. Our cleaning protocols will continue to be strict and our cleaning agents have been selected for effectiveness against Covid-19 and Monkeypox. We will continue to monitor our protocols as conditions (state regulations, community spread, variants, new viruses, etc.) change.